September – October 2020
Pratt Institute
Brand Identity
This project's objective was to create a hypothetical product and brand identity based on creations that have been a vital part of human existence or culture. I chose to use lighting and makeup as the basis for the design.
I worked on this assignment independently with feedback from my instructor and classmates.
After significant research and iterations, I decided to (hypothetically) create a product that allowed for makeup to be worn as light rather than pigment. The product consists of a headband made up of different colored LED lights. With the Chamelight product, a person's makeup would change to better suit their environment's lighting.
The product directly inspired the brand elements. For example, the brand colors are red, green, and blue, reflecting the RGB scale of light-based color. The name and logo represent the chameleon, an animal whose colors change depending on its environment, just like the Chamelight product. The name Chamelight is also a play on Camelot, the idealized and lavish legend of King Arthur's castle and court.